Monday, May 23, 2011

Sad News :*(

On Wednesday last week we were informed that we were not eligible to adopt Eileen. This is very frustrating and sad, since we have worked so hard to get out paperwork finished to submit to USCIS and SDA in Ukraine. We literally had one document left to apply for - the USCIS immigration approval. Then we could have submitted our dossier for translation and SDA approval. We had every other piece of paper either in hand or in process (i.e. Indiana State Police clearance and FBI checks that are down in Indianapolis right now). It has torn our hearts out to have to walk away from this little girl. If it weren't for our amazing friends who have checked up on us and coaxed us from our house over the weekend, we'd still be hiding out and crying.

Eileen's room is now "the spare room". Eileen's stuff is now earmarked for various relatives, since we're not really sure what to do with it all. Eileen's sweet little picture is still stuck to the front of my 3" thick binder of adoption paperwork, though. We would sort our documents and pat her picture on the head some nights, pretending she'd know how hard we'd been working. I can't bring myself to put that picture in the trash just yet.

We have parted ways with the adoption ministry we found Eileen through. We hope to find an alternative agency after we take a break and do some more research. We have appreciated everyone's support and look forward to sharing non-adoption family updates until we figure out what the next step will be.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Every Little Bit Helps

We just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has donated to help us bring Eileen home. Reece's Rainbow handles the donations, so we do not know who donated what, but we wanted you to know we noticed and we appreciate it! International adoption is a huge expense, so every little bit helps.

Kiri is working on updating out checklist, so stay tuned to see what's left. :)

Fingerprinted and Posted

Kiri and I made a trip to the Mishawaka Police Station yesterday on my lunch hour and each had two sets of fingerprints done. She then mailed them off to the Indiana State Police and the FBI for our police clearance/child abuse background check. USPS tracking says they should arrive at their destinations tomorrow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

We passed!

Score. We are one step closer to Little Miss Eileen! Our social worker came this morning and talked to us, gave us some more paperwork to fill out and then checked out the house. She also talked to us a little bit more about the international side of the process and the classes we'll take with the home study agency later on this summer. We're really glad to be working with somebody who is understanding and helpful because (as we told her) we'd heard a lot of home study agency horror stories lately. It was also nice to hear some encouragement about adopting from the country Eileen's in... it's notoriously tumultuous and often frustrating because of all the changes they make to the process. But we'll get through it and we'll have support through the agency afterward if we need it.

Ok, I don't know about you all, but I'm ready for a list of what's left to do paperwork-wise. Here goes:

-State police clearance (going Monday for fingerprints)
-FBI child abuse clearance (going Monday for fingerprints)
-Send application to USCIS for fingerprint date and orphan immigration approval (cannot do until home study is complete/printed/in-hand)
-Get cats updated on shots and send those records to the social worker
-Fill out financial background and send to the social worker
-Write individual autobiographies and send to the social worker
-Get a letter/statement of Wylie's general health and his immunization record print out (will call Monday to add to our other medical stuff we're picking up)
-Pick up medical forms from Dr's office (hopefully this week)

And last, but not least:
-Get ALL finished paperwork sent to Indianapolis for apostille.

Once that's all done, we can mail our dossier off! Well, once we do some fundraising too. More on that this coming week. Tomorrow's my 29th birthday and I'll be taking the day off from adoption paperwork and enjoying my two favorite boys, Dan and Wylie. We're due for some stress-free family time!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy Friday the 13th!

Luckiest. Day. EVER. We got our apostilled Child Specific Petitions (CSPs)and Power of Attorney (POA) forms back from Indianapolis today. This is especially exciting because they just left my hands on Monday. Now we're just waiting on the rest of the paperwork we sent in separate batches to arrive. Our stateside coordinator approved the CSPs and POAs to be sent overseas as soon as we can shuffle ourselves over to DHL! :)

Our home study visit is in the morning! Wish us luck. We're so nervous. There's probably no reason we'd outright fail it, but ya just never know what to expect when you're new to a crazy process like adoption. We'll update after our visit is over to let you know if we survived. ;) Ha.

On a bad note, our blog host (Blogger) had a system-wide failure on May 11th and was down until today, meaning they lost posts and comments made during May 11th and 12th. If you think you may have commented during this time and are waiting on a reply, please check and see if your original comment is still "alive". If it happened to get swept away in the Blogger crash, feel free to re-post it or email us and we'll get back to ya as soon as possible.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First batch sent for apostilles!

Sent out documents to Indianapolis on Monday for apostille. We'll see if I get an angry phone call/email/letter from the Secretary of State about any of our paperwork, but I really hope everything's OK! The notary signed off on everything and our coordinator double checked us so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Once we get some of the paperwork back from Indy, we'll be sending it overseas for the Eastern European Reece's Rainbow team to hold on to while we work on more documents. At least we're getting a good handle on paperwork we are in control of!

Dan and I hope to be getting our first big giveaway up soon. We got some great suggestions and hopefully after our home study visit on Saturday we can get that under way!

Friday, May 6, 2011

On pestering your local notary...

We took 40+ pages to our bank today to get notarized after Dan got off of work. It felt great to get that chunk of papers taken care of, let me tell you! We have some documents to get apostilled and sent overseas ASAP (our coordinator approved them tonight, so those go out to Indianapolis for apostille the morning), the rest are regular old dossier/home study documents that we're compiling. The notary we had this evening was very understanding about the big stack of papers I dragged out of our 3" binder and flopped on her desk. While they didn't randomly provide cookies for Wylie to gnaw on like the last time we took a trip to the bank to get stuff notarized, he was largely well-behaved and cheerful while Dan and I scrawled our names... a few dozen times. ;) Now we just have our medical docs, home study/social worker docs, immigration approval form, state police background check forms, and Dan's employer letter left to work on for the dossier portion. And we can only get a couple of those things notarized ourselves - the rest have to be sent to us with the notarization/certification on them. Yay for progress! The "paper baby" is growing fast.

Actually, Wylie was a happy camper for somebody who went back to the audiologist and got things poked in his ears again (boy, was that ever fun for mama too :P). He got to go to the park TWICE today in return for being such an awesome Boo Bear. Once in the morning with my friend and her daughter while we all walked (we got sunburned!!!! OUCH.), then he got to go again in the evening with the new playgroup. Hopefully by the time Eileen gets here we'll have exposed him to enough other kids that he's cool with having somebody else his age in the house. Crazy talk? Maybe so. It's worth a shot though.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Paperwork Progress

As Kiri mentioned in her last post, my passport finally showed up. That means that we were able to input my passport number on the umteen million forms we need to fill out before we can have them completed and notarized.

Today Kiri talked to Bev at our bank and was able to get the mortgage records part of our paperwork filled out and notarized. Tomorrow morning we are going to see Dr. Weston to get our physicals done and more forms filled out.

It's very exciting to feel like we are starting to move forward and make progress. There's still a long way to go, but it's nice to have a few boxes checked off on the todo list.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thank YOU and Fundraiser Ideas

We wanted to say a HUGE HUGE HUGE 'thank you' to our friends and family who wrote our recommendations for our home study agency. You guys/gals rock. I can't even tell you how awesome you are! We love you to pieces. And for the wonderful folks who have donated already, you are equally as amazing and thoughtful. We can't get to Eastern Europe to bring Eileen home without your generosity, for which we are very grateful.

We have a couple new fundraisers posted. Check out our 'Fundraising' tab at the top of the blog. There are 'Come on Eileen' t-shirts, fair trade coffee and hopefully soon some more good stuff. What sorts of giveaways or fundraisers would you be most interested to see or participate in? Some other Reece's Rainbow families have tried iPads, Kindles, digital cameras, gift cards... even some handmade items! We need some help thinking of ideas here, so leave a comment or email me if you have some suggestions.

Also, I have gotten a few emails or comments asking me to get in contact since we put up the blog and replied back to them -- if you are waiting for a reply, please check your spam boxes for musegirl27ATaolDOTcom (replace the words with symbols). I keep my personal emails on this account, so you'd get a reply from that one and not our family Blogger/Gmail account. Please don't think I forgot anybody! I really tried to reply as quickly as possible. Hopefully you'll find me in your inbox someplace :)

Finally got Dan's birth certificate copies this weekend - and they ARE legible. Woo hoo! Now waiting on his passport, which should hopefully be here soon. I emailed our loan officer at the bank to try and see who to talk to about the proof of mortgage paperwork we need from them. Haven't heard back yet. Fingers crossed!