Monday, March 19, 2012

Been a long time gone.

So I'm going to take advantage of having to sit in the doctor's office for 3 hours to take my gestational diabetes test and post a little update. Did you catch that? GESTATIONAL? We're having a baby! We found out it's a girl around the holidays. This has been a rough pregnancy, so we were afraid to post anything on our blog - even though we've obviously told people we see or talk to on a regular basis. I mean, it's hard to avoid. I'm the size of a house and my stomach is starting to drop already. ;D

Our doc thought we would be expecting a new kiddo around May 2nd originally, but then we started having problems and I ended up at the hospital. Twice. That's when we learned we had started out with what looked like fraternal twins, but my hormone levels were never right to reflect this. On our first ultrasound there was bleeding where one baby had vanished and the remaining baby was very, very tiny. Too tiny to be 10/11 weeks as we had expected. She was more like a 5/6 week sized baby. But she was still there with all of her fingers and toes and a good heartrate. We struggled thru monthly ultrasounds and doctor appointments, hoping she'd stay put. And she did! And we don't have much longer to go before we have another munchkin.